replace hello instead of howdy in admin panel – wordpress plugin Replace Hello Instead of Howdy Admin panel. in the past
курс валют uah – wordpress plugin Плагин Курс валют UAH поможет Вам создать блок с курсом валют относительно НБУ.. in the past
ticketrilla: server – wordpress plugin Ticketrilla works very simply connects the developer's and client's admin panels through plugins.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
post url qr code – wordpress plugin This Plugin generate QR Code for post all post types url and showing under every posts all post types.. in the past
page title customizer for twenty series – wordpress plugin This plugin can customize each page and post title with css and html for Twenty Nineteen and the Twenty series theme. in the past
калькулятор цен на сайт – wordpress plugin Плагин позволяет создать калькулятор цен для того , чтобы Ваши пользователи смогли рассчитать стоимость Ваших услуг или товаров.. in the past
fresh forms for gravity – wordpress plugin Caching is great for scenarios where your post or page content it's not changed, but if you have form embedded to. in the past
woocommerce user products – wordpress plugin This plugin provides Woocommerce product admin page to assign users with role. in the past
buddypress re-post activity – wordpress plugin Sometimes people like activity and they would like to post the activity to their profile or group.. in the past
qero – loyalty program for your store – wordpress plugin This plugin allows you to recover your customers and increase your online store sales easily by using mechanisms that allow your customers to earn points and discount on future purchases.. in the past
footer shortcodes – wordpress plugin Footer Shortcodes provides easy way to add the footer notice to your website copyright symbol, Year, Site Title .. in the past
provinces and districts of panama for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugins allows you to choose Provinces, Districts and Corregimientos of Panama into WooCommerce Options... in the past
my slider – wordpress plugin WordPress plugin to show slider on pages via shortcode or widget. in the past
croatian payment slip generator for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Make it easy for your customers from Croatia to perform direct bank transfer with generated payment slip, along with barcode for mBanking.. in the past
segmetrics marketing analytics – wordpress plugin With over 54 Million leads, $3.2 Billion revenue, and half million marketing campaigns, SegMetrics mission is to bring smart, actionable, data to marketers everywhere — without all the technical setup and hassle.. in the past
what am i listening to? – wordpress plugin WordPress plugin to show what your are listening from Last.FM API. in the past
gdpr cookies pro – wordpress plugin GDPR cookie consent adds banner to your website so you can with European Union GDPR cookie law.. in the past
wp bio links – wordpress plugin WP Bio Links is free plugin designed to help you organize traffic from your profile. in the past
time slots for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Time Slots for WooCommerce is WordPress plugin that adds generated time slots for paid consulting calls. in the past