tock widget – wordpress plugin Quickly embed the Tock booking button and widget into your WordPress site. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
neutral cart – wordpress plugin Neutral Cart is targeting actors that have WooCommerce plugin installed and want to show that their company takes responsibility for the environment. in the past
payment gateway – alpha bank for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This Plugin adds Alpha Bank as gateway for WooCommerce.. in the past
school management – wordpress plugin School Management System is WordPress plugin to manage school and its entities such as classes, sections, students, ID cards, teachers, staff, fees, invoices, noticeboard and much more.. in the past
blacklist unwanted email – formidable forms – wordpress plugin Blacklist Unwanted Email Formidable Forms plugin is designed to restrict Blacklisted, Spam, Generic and Competitor Email domains preventing your valuable downloadable resources or limiting registrations on your website blogs. in the past
clickperf – wordpress plugin Notre plugin vous permet d'implémenter le pixel postback sur votre site WordPress.. in the past
pagaris para woocommerce – wordpress plugin Este es el plugin Pagaris tu tienda en línea en WooCommerce .. in the past
cryptapi payment gateway for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Accept payments Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero and IOTA directly to your wallet, without any sign-ups or lengthy processes.. in the past
textp2p texting widget – wordpress plugin By allowing site visitors to message your business, you can capture their information including name, email, and number. in the past
wp-avoider – wordpress plugin When optimizing website, Google� Page Speed Insights or GTMetrix com can display poor ranking if there are too many redirects for URL to the landing page.. in the past
datamentor – best datatables plugin for elementor – wordpress plugin DataMentor is add-on to showcase data with tabular format and beautiful way. in the past
di multipurpose demo importer – wordpress plugin Di Multipurpose Demo Importer plugin allows to import demo website created with Di Multipurpose theme install and activate the plugin and go to ' WordPress Admin Panel > Appearance > Install Demo page to import any demo website. in the past
wp minimal typography – wordpress plugin You will be able to set font size, font color, font weight, font style and text transform just install and use it with comfortably... in the past
black crow (css flying bird) – wordpress plugin Add Black Crow to any page of your WordPress website.. in the past
checkout gateway for mercadopago and woocommerce – wordpress plugin With this plugin you can integrate your WooCommerce store with MercadoPago using Gateway mode. in the past
simple widget display conditions lite – wordpress plugin Simple widget display conditions is plugin that sets display conditions for WordPress widgets.. in the past
flamingo shortcode – wordpress plugin WordPress plugin for list messages from Flamingo on pages or posts via shortcode. in the past
a+ booking system – wordpress plugin Book Everything Unlimited is service that provides you booking services for any kind of space .. in the past
wp hotell security – wordpress plugin small and simple plugin that limits the number of login attempts to protect your password.. in the past