wp currency exchange rate – wordpress plugin WP Currency Exchange Rate allows you to have currency exchange rate in your site. in the past
file uploader – tektonic solutions – wordpress plugin Hotlinking of the images the user who has just uploaded file can click the link and go and check it.. in the past
ch simple post language – wordpress plugin This plugin lets you set HTML lang attribute for each post or page... in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
postmagthemes demo import – wordpress plugin PostmagThemes Demo Import is importer WordPress plugin that lets you import the demo you desire in just single click. in the past
lab featured image – wordpress plugin If fail to add image to post before publishing it they'll find it impossible to publish.. in the past
simple analytics tag – wordpress plugin This plugin has interface and fits very well within WordPress Settings menu. in the past
wp hotell managed – wordpress plugin You can with one click in the plugins settings turn on off WP debugging, hide updates from plugins, hide admin notifications, give warning that you are now editing in staging or restrict login attempts and much more.. in the past
simple spam blocker – wordpress plugin Simple Spam Blcoker stop spam comments and also can be used to stop bots to try to login into admin panel... in the past
simple analytics and tag manager integration for google – wordpress plugin The Simple Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager Integration plugin adds tracking code based on your options.. in the past
solaimanlipi bangla font for wordpress – wordpress plugin This is Bangla Font support plugin for any kind of wordpress site huge amount of bangladeshi people facing Bangla Font issue on their site and not found any solution on the internet and they are faced lot of hassle everyday no more hassle we bring the best and easest solution for Bangla Font just install the plugin and active it. in the past
mini shopping cart – wordpress plugin This is Mini Shopping Cart Plugin for WordPress and Woocommerce.. in the past
voice forms – wordpress plugin Once the plugin is installed microphone symbol is added to every web form and search bar allowing the user to dictate their search and forms submission rather than typing it.. in the past
follow for bbpress – wordpress plugin When you activate Follow for bbPress plugin, information and fields related to this plugin are added to users profile page. in the past
skyboot portfolio gallery – wordpress plugin Elementor image gellery addon for elementor page builder.. in the past
webinarignition – wordpress plugin WebinarIgnition is solution that allows you to create, run and manage webinars. in the past
wp link manager – wordpress plugin WordPress plugin to create pretty and short link based on your site URL for external ugly links * Simple to use * Button for TinyMce editor to add from available shortlinks * Shortcode to show links with pagination, search and filter results.. in the past
wt security – wordpress plugin Antivirus and Firewall use WT Security API to generate the file of the services and transfer the contents of the generated file to the directory with the generated name.**. in the past
lightpost – wordpress plugin This plugin allows churches to display specific content from their Lightpost account on their WordPress-based website. in the past
helloasso – wordpress plugin Quel que soit le besoin de votre association , HelloAsso vous permet de proposer le paiement en ligne don en ligne , billetterie , adhésion cotisation , crowdfunding , et davantage.. in the past
brokebot – wordpress plugin BrokeBot provides the experience of chatbot without all of the bells and whistles simple chatbot-like experience focused on CTA... in the past