nutrifox wp connector – wordpress plugin In Block Editor, use the Nutrifox block to see live preview of the label. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
wp trip summary – wordpress plugin This plug-in provides two basic features allow some structured information to be filled in, according to selected trip type allow some GPX track to be uploaded and then rendered on map.. in the past
isizer – image size manager – wordpress plugin Simple change, create and remove registered WordPress sizes in one clicks... in the past
domyaccounting – wordpress plugin DoMyAccounting plugin provides automated integration of your WooCommerce store to QuickBooks Online .. in the past
layout grid block – wordpress plugin Want to create layout with easily customizable column-width and positions. in the past
wpconcierges linkedin insights – wordpress plugin The WPConcierges Linkedin Insight tag plugin allows to add LinkedIn insight tag to all pages of your web site... in the past
wp easy geo blocker and redirect – wordpress plugin WP Easy GEO Blocker and Redirect is the security plugin to limit access from unwanted counties or IP addresses.. in the past
archive widget collapsed with css – wordpress plugin Archive widget collapsed with CSS is widget that collapses and displays CSS... in the past
embed office viewer – wordpress plugin If you have Office documents on your website or blog that you want your readers to view even if they don't have Office installed. in the past
email for download – wordpress plugin Add the in post or page to embed the form to be filled by the users. in the past
the events calendar events notification bar addon – wordpress plugin Highlights you're The Events Calendar with the help of Events Notification Bar Addon. in the past
topbar call to action – wordpress plugin TopBar Call To Action provides you option to add clean and notification or call to action section in your website. in the past
woocommerce price alert – wordpress plugin Option to show price alert forms for guests, only for customers or for both. in the past
fab lectures for wordpress – wordpress plugin Lectures menu, useful to achive your favourite lectures, specify year and or class you might have followed as part of the lecture.. in the past
mycred – lifterlms integration – wordpress plugin This integration of LifterLMS with myCRED plugin helps users to award myCRED points to students using myCRED Point Management System. in the past
consultimator shortcode – wordpress plugin Fehlt dieser , wird. 1px solid. , also eine feine durchgehende Linie , gesetzt.. in the past
business reviews for google – wordpress plugin With the help of Google Business Reviews for WP plugin, you can display your Google reviews on your WordPress website and landing pages using our FREE widgets.. in the past
financial reporter – wordpress plugin Financial Reporter allows to take track of all self incomes and outcomes and to visualize the transactions log and the current amount of each account. in the past
trados – wordpress plugin Translate any WordPress with Trados, it comes with management system that allows you to translate your content.. in the past