classic style – wordpress plugin Classic Style is a plugin that allows you to return to the classic wordpress design , that is to say , buttons and WordPress boxes that we were used to before.. in the past
embedvideogjirafa – wordpress plugin EmbedGjirafaVideo allows you to embed code in post, without the content being changed by the editor. in the past
f4 simple white label – wordpress plugin With this plugin you can change the image, add custom logo to the bar and change the footer texts.. in the past
wp faq schema markup for seo – wordpress plugin WP FAQ Schema Markup for SEO Superfast and, light-weight plugin to add FAQ Schema structured in recommended JSON-LD format to WordPress sites. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
old style admin ui – wordpress plugin After I updated WordPress to 5.3, I thought something had gone wrong with the update when I saw those borders in the area, the intense blue color of texts and the lack of design subtlety of UI. in the past
wp text copy blocker – wordpress plugin WP Text Copy Blocker is the security plugin to protect the posts content to being copied by another visitor of your website.. in the past
accessibe – wordpress plugin AccessiBe is official plugin designed to implement accessibe com WordPress... in the past
xyzzy basic seo & analytics – wordpress plugin XYZZY Basic SEO & Analytics es un sencillo y ligero plugin que nos permite integrar Analytics y las funciones básicas de SEO en nuestra web desde la propia interfaz de WordPress.. in the past
top-bar codebulls – wordpress plugin You can modify the number of the bar segments 1, 2 or 3.. in the past
graphic web design, inc. manager – wordpress plugin This plugin runs updates for the security of your WordPress and version, plugins, and themes. in the past
faq schema for pages and posts – wordpress plugin FAQ Schema For Pages And Posts allows you to turn questions and answers on your page into JSON-LD code on the fly.. in the past
wunderautomation – wordpress plugin When event is triggered WunderAutomation runs one or more defined actions, for instance adding tag, changing custom field or sending email. in the past
wp blocks hub – wordpress plugin Currently, plugin provides 58 Blocks for popular page builders, shortcodes, widgets and custom post types to help you build amazing website on WordPress platform.. in the past
categorized cart page for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This is simple plugin design for woocommerce site owners who want to show product categories on cart page, with this plugin your cart page template will display categories of products and list of products inside the category.. in the past
images to webp – wordpress plugin Statistics say that WebP format can save over half of the page weight without losing images quality.. in the past
c9 blocks – wordpress plugin Block landing page templates are organized in modal by the content journey step and can be accessed from the feather logo icon in the upper right corner after installing WordPress plugin.. in the past
timeline feed – wordpress plugin Timeline Feed adds event timeline feed on your WordPress website. in the past
free customer chat solution – wordpress plugin Increase sales by making your business look more professional and approachable. in the past
fast getresponse – wordpress plugin Fast GetResponse is designed to work with both Fast Flow Dashboard and Fast Member. in the past
h5p-sharing – wordpress plugin This WordPress plugin adds some sharing functionality to H5P plugin.. in the past