quick maps – wordpress plugin Google Maps integration for your WordPress website No Google API required, copy and paste this sample shortcode anywhere you want your Google maps displayed. in the past
wln chat lite – wordpress plugin Insere um icone do Whatsapp de forma fácil e rápida no seu site, possibilitando também monitorar quantidade de cliques no Google Analitycs. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
product filter addon for-woocommerce – wordpress plugin It's category search filter plugin. in the past
gutentoc – advance table of content for gutenberg – wordpress plugin GutenTOC is SEO-friendly customizable plugin for Gutenberg which allows you to create table of contents automatically.. in the past
netzero for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Netzero plants trees and funds climate projects in the areas that need it most benefitting the environment, biodiversity and local communities.. in the past
blkcanvas – easy attachments – wordpress plugin This tool integrates with your WordPress backend, lets you create posts with FREE photos without ever leaving your WordPress site. in the past
events tracker for elementor – wordpress plugin Simple but extremely useful Elementor addon that allows you to track events and conversions on your website , that made with our favorite page builder. in the past
wp adf.ly dashboard and integration – wordpress plugin WP Adf.ly Dashboard and Integration is plugin allows you to configure Full Page Script, Website Entry Script, Pop-Ads tools and Dashboard widget for stats.. in the past
user frontend for elementor – wordpress plugin Add the functionality to wordpress to have frontend admin panel dashbaoard and user profile. in the past
seo pyramid – wordpress plugin Count the length of entry and informs them in real-time if they exceed the character length... in the past
cost calculator contact form 7 – wordpress plugin Cost Calculator Contact Form 7 Provide easy to calculate contact form 7 to make Loan Calaculation, Booking Calaculation, Math Calaculation. in the past
hotelrunner booking widget – wordpress plugin This plugin adds HotelRunner Booking Widget to website. in the past
wp tesseract – wordpress plugin OCR plugin requires PHP 7.1 and the following command line utility * Tesseract for OCR. in the past
myego2go verified login – wordpress plugin platform that can be used by consumers to store their data safe and encrypted on their device with in the blockchain. in the past
all in one form verification – wordpress plugin Our All In One Form Verification allows you to verify emails of all submissions accept submissions from users. in the past
animated svg – icons for elementor – wordpress plugin Browsre from 110+ animated SVG icons for Elementor Page Builder for your next project.. in the past
watchful remote website management plugin – wordpress plugin Simply add all your production and staging sites into Watchful Dashboard and use our tools to monitor uptime, backups, updates to WordPress and core and plugins, and more. in the past
loginer – custom login page builder – wordpress plugin Loginer Custom Login Page Builder is WordPress plugin that lets you create your custom login page, registration page, and profile page, same as your WordPress theme.. in the past
connect your itsperfect plugin – wordpress plugin WP Its Perfect plugin is simple, advanced, easy to setup Its Perfect wordpress plugin for Integrating complete eCommerce features.. in the past