simple cart – wordpress plugin Simple Cart is solution that will provide your visitors with easy view of their current cart status.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
mail boxes etc. mexico – wordpress plugin You can add our plugin to your Woocommerce store and have Mail Boxes Etc. in the past
wordpress seo plugin – ghostlink – wordpress plugin WordPress obfuscation plugin obfuscate the internal or external links of your WordPress site, this way you don't lose SEO juice and you sculpt your website for more SEO power... in the past
load more anything listing – wordpress plugin Load More button can be used anywhere in your WordPress for listing e, g for your blog post, Comments, page, Category, Recent Posts, Sidebar Data, Woocommerce Product, Images, Photos, Videos, custom Div or whatever you want.. in the past
bangladeshi local jobs – wordpress plugin How to customize. https bd bekar-com-bd-api-for-job-search.. in the past
tooltip for gravity forms – wordpress plugin Add tooltips next to field labels very easily.. in the past
go viral – social media share buttons, social locker, social chat, open graph, reactions – wordpress plugin Social media focused plugin packed with all essentials tools like social share, images share, Whatsapp chat, Facebook Messenger chat, share counter, reactions, open graph, locker, voting to make your new site go viral.. in the past
transafe payments for woocommerce – wordpress plugin TranSafe Payments plugin extends the functionality of WooCommerce, allowing your online store to accept credit card payments from all major credit card brands. in the past plugin for: wordpress woocommerce – wordpress plugin Crypto payment plugin for WordPress WooCommerce, you can crypto currencies for your products and services as alternative e.g. in the past
post type archive pages – wordpress plugin Post Type Archive Pages allows you to select pages from within your content page structure to be the archive pages for your custom post types. in the past
simple seo criteria check – wordpress plugin The Plugin Simple SEO Criteria Check helps to get better ranking Google.. in the past
sticky woocommerce header cart – wordpress plugin Sticky WooCommerce Header Cart adds header with WooCommercec cart options. in the past
chatgen – wordpress plugin Chatgen is the easiest way to add free chat to your site. 98% of website visitors leave without doing anything. in the past
custom portfolio with filtering – wordpress plugin Custom Portfolio Type with filtering without page refresh Using Shortcode. in the past
wp social feeds – wordpress plugin Social feeds can be used to show latest feeds from account to user's personal website, posts or pages.. in the past
bp beta tester – wordpress plugin Once installed it will help you to upgrade your website to the Beta or Release candidate. in the past
brave popup builder – wordpress plugin With it's Canva Photoshop like design interface, you can create popups, modals, lightboxes in minutes and convert your visitors like there's no tomorrow.. in the past
wp jet player – wordpress plugin WP Jet Player for WordPress enables you to publish videos on your posts, pages and widgets using the user friendly player on the web. in the past
feeds for youtube – wordpress plugin For simple step-by-step directions on how to set up the Feeds for YouTube plugin please refer to our setup guide.. in the past
emercury for woocommerce – wordpress plugin With Emercury for WooCommerce integration, your customers and their purchase data are automatically synced with your Emercury account, making it easy to send targeted campaigns, follow up with customers post-purchase, recommend products, recover abandoned carts, and measure ROI of your marketing efforts. in the past