uber wpbakery addons – wordpress plugin Social box Add your social profiles in fancy animated boxes. in the past
wp-businessdirectory – wordpress plugin WP-BusinessDirectory is not just directory plugin, it's the most advanced directory plugin for WordPress. in the past
closer: chat & video calls for sales – wordpress plugin Combining ultra-fast messaging with screen sharing, co-browsing, HD & video calls and bots allows you to move from lead capture widgets to complete solution. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
ray social feeds for twitter – wordpress plugin Uses Twitter API v 1.1 and OAuth 2.0 to fetch tweets from Twitter.. in the past
reviews widgets for yelp – wordpress plugin In case of WordPress websites, our Yelp reviews and recommendations tool is excellent to build customer trust.. in the past
tapz – wordpress plugin Convert your site visitors into customers by engaging through Tapz and grow audience using Promotion tools, Social share widget and Social platform, Feedback Forms, Lead Capture forms, based on multiple targeting rules like browser or device type, url source, time of the day and many more.. in the past
worldnet payments gateway for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugin enables HPP and XML payments for Worldnet Payments Gateway using WooCommerce store.. in the past
checkout pick up field for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Checkout Pick Up Field Editor for WooCommerce plugin provides easy way to customise your pick up fields displayed on WooCommerce checkout page. in the past
korea for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugin enhance the shopping experience for your Korean customers with WooCommerce. in the past
frontend dashboard social chat – wordpress plugin This is Add-on plugin of Frontend Dashboard, So please install Frontend Dashboard to use this plugin **.. in the past
wp user role editor (manage user roles and capabilities) – wordpress plugin WP User Role Editor plugin is suite to manage users, membership, user access rights, roles and capabilities. in the past
perfect survey – wordpress plugin With Perfect Survey plugin for WordPress you can create unlimited surveys on your website and you can know what people have about you thanks to the built-in advanced statistics.. in the past
disable recaptcha – cf7 – wordpress plugin Which is showing google recaptcha badge on every page of the site which is annoying for some of the users. in the past
acf pro show fields shortcode – wordpress plugin If you use ACF Pro, you can display some fields on your pages with shortcode.. in the past
authorizer secondfactor – wordpress plugin This plugin enables you to secure your WordPress login with two authentication based on Authorizer SecondFactor. in the past
rainbow address bar – wordpress plugin Rainbow Address Bar changes the color of the browser on your mobile devices. in the past
wp login attempts – wordpress plugin WP login attempts is security plugin which can add Google reCAPTCHA to the WordPress login page and protect the site from brute force attacks. in the past
add tiktok advertising pixel for tiktok app (track conversion from tiktok ads) + woocommerce – wordpress plugin Be it the moment of passing time or exploring some cool stuff, TikTok is leading the talk among Gen-X, Y, Z. in the past
wp cloudflare cache – wordpress plugin WP Cloudflare cache plugin control HTML cache and purge specific page cache for new post, comment author and post update automatically.. in the past
wp remove admin register nag – wordpress plugin This plguin adds CSS code into your Admin Dashboard and hides most of the nagging messages telling you that you should activate or register other GPL Plugins.. in the past