hide content by user role for wpbakery – wordpress plugin This plugin adds settings to the rows and columns settings WPBakery page builder to hide show the content elements on your website based on user roles.. in the past
qlicknpay for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugin payment using credit or debit cards and online banking. in the past
tutor lms – migration tool – wordpress plugin If you want to transfer your existing database for your installed LMS plugin with all your intact, to the Tutor LMS then this migration plugin is the option for you.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
autonami marketing automations for wordpress – wordpress plugin You can set up rules such that if buyer hasn't bought in period, they should get email sequence with discount coupon code.. in the past
coinmotion – cotización y precios de bitcoin, ethereum y criptomonedas en wordpress – wordpress plugin Este plugin muestra en tiempo real la cotización de Bitcoin , Ethereum , Ripple , Litecoin y Stellar Lumens en tu web. in the past
change tutor lms author ownership – wordpress plugin Tutor Learning Management Systems was designed to help you administer and teach eLearning courses online. in the past
bebetterhotels booking form – wordpress plugin The BBH Booking Form plugin create simple, customizable and clean booking form to connect your BeBetterHotels customer id with our search engine.. in the past
hello positivity – wordpress plugin Inspired by 'Hello Dolly, the demo plugin that is part of WordPress culture. in the past
fingerlogin – wordpress plugin The plugin turns WordPress into Fingerlogin endpoint adding button on your wordpress login form.. in the past
postkhone shipping – wordpress plugin Screenshots. صفحه تنظیمات پلاگین پست خونه برای ووکامرس. انتخاب سرویسهای پستی مختلف براساس مقصد در سبد خرید. صفحه راهنمای تنظیمات افزونه پست خونه... in the past
guteblock – ultimate gutenberg blocks plugin – wordpress plugin Guteblock The most extensive block collection made for Gutenberg. in the past
simple url tracker – by projekt15 – wordpress plugin Simple URL Tracker allows you to create customized URLs right from within WordPress pages and posts. in the past
wp search insights – wordpress plugin The dashboard can be found in Tools -> Search Insights menu.. in the past
fast aws – wordpress plugin Fast AWS is designed to work with Fast Member and Fast Flow Dashboard. in the past
magicsubscriptions – wordpress plugin The intention is to keep users on WordPress site as much as possible, redirecting off to MagicSubscriptions portal when necessary and bringing them back. in the past
ever blocks – wordpress plugin Ever Blocks adds nicely formatted alert box with 4 different styles. in the past
payment gateway restrictions for woocommerce – wordpress plugin nice little plugin that lets you select which gateway is available for individual customers on WooCommerce checkout. in the past
acl floating cart for woocommerce – wordpress plugin ACL Floating Cart is instant cart solution for WooCommerce store with flying cart, drawer cart, sidebar fixed cart, add item, update & remove features. in the past
as blacklist customer – wordpress plugin This plugin allow admin to add notice to order for particular customer which will display on all order of that customer.. in the past
conexão wc mercado livre – wordpress plugin Conexão Wc Mercado Livre permite a sincronização automática dos produtos cadastrados no Mercado Livre com os produtos cadastrados no Woocommerce através do vínculo do SKU do produto.. in the past