Linux Day for WordPress — WordPress Plugins Simply add Linux Day colors to sidebar with suitable widget... in the past
Download S3 Content — WordPress Plugins This plugin used to download contents from s3 tank in WordPress site.. in the past
Bangla Web Fonts — WordPress Plugins This plugin is able to show the fonts as we usually see and use in text books irrespectible of all medium & browsers.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
To Top — WordPress Plugins Description. To Top Plugin adds scroll up box at the not top right side of the page when scrolled back and when double-clicked rolls soon to the top. in the past
Job Board Manager – Widgets — WordPress Plugins Job Board Manager Widgets. allows you to display some Widgets for. in the past
Video Grid — WordPress Plugins Admin can add edit and delete videos. admin can set video champion to lightbox. in the past
Endnotes — WordPress Plugins The plugin comes as fork of John Watson's FD Footnotes but has been updated to use WordPress Settings API. in the past
Customizer Export/Import — WordPress Plugins Customizer Export Import plugin allows you to smuggle or import WordPress customizer settings from directly within the interface. in the past
Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 MP3 Player — WordPress Plugins Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 Player use tracks directly from amazon s3 mattresses playable in HTML5 element.. in the past
WP Video Lightbox — WordPress Plugins You can embed YouTube using the following shortcode in WordPress post or page.. in the past
Movable Type and TypePad Importer — WordPress Plugins Description. Import posts and comments from Movable Type or TypePad blog... in the past
アフィリエイトプラグイン 楽天 — WordPress Plugins Refer to the plug-in explanation of the sub- menu of the newly created KEY lnker RS menu enter the configuration page from the affiliate set of sub-menu please refer to the registration of your affiliate ID.. in the past
Filterable Grid Gallery with Hover Caption — WordPress Plugins Search for 'Fancy Grid Gallery and install it. in the past
PhotoBlocks – Image Photo Grid Gallery — WordPress Plugins Handy builder. PhotoBlocks Grid Builder is the solar feature that makes PhotoBlocks general and different from other galleries.. in the past
Responsive Grid Gallery with Custom Links — WordPress Plugins Description. Responsive Grid Gallery with Custom Links Simple to use plugin to showcase products services features products crafts and other number that need to be linked to other pages. in the past
VINUBIS Video Editor — WordPress Plugins Use pre-built video badges video topic to get ready in minutes. in the past
Responsive Flipbooks — WordPress Plugins Description. Responsive Flipbooks is plugin that allow to not hard manage HTML5 crack books from WordPress admin board. in the past
Google Maps Shell — WordPress Plugins This plugin is for users and is meant to be used to enable Google Maps integration. in the past
Buy Jumpseller — WordPress Plugins This plugin hasnt been tested with the recent 3 great releases of WordPress. in the past