remove taxonomy url – wordpress plugin Permalinks, as the name suggests, are permanent links to pages or posts, categories or tags on your website. in the past
insert text symbols – wordpress plugin This plugin will add button to Gutenberg editor for inserting text symbols or emojis into your WordPress posts or pages.. in the past
disable trash – wordpress plugin Disable Trash is small plugin that removes the functionality from WordPress. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
paybats – wordpress plugin This plugin payment using credit or debit cards and online banking. in the past
qr code mecard/vcard generator – wordpress plugin Plugin Generate QR code vCard or MeCard format with your contact information.. in the past
dispatch countdown – wordpress plugin Specify time to show the count down, and time to count down to.. in the past
elfsight blocks – wordpress plugin Whatever your sphere is ecommerce, blogging, or other, Elfsight tools are there to assist you with increasing conversion rate, improving the user experience, reducing the bounce rate, getting more visitors and followers, collecting information and supporting users of your website. in the past
responsive client logo slider – wordpress plugin Display client logos responsive carousel with the help of editor as well as template page.. in the past
export customers data – wordpress plugin This plugin will help you to export customers CSV format... in the past
wp count down timer – wordpress plugin The user can add target date in the in the shortcode provided with the plugin. in the past
matomo analytics – wordpress plugin Add Matomo tracking code to your websites in under minute with only few clicks. in the past
product and custom post type dropdown cf7 – wordpress plugin Woocommerce Product List Contact form 7 with custom post type as well list dropdown can be setup in contact form 7 dynamic. in the past
archivarix external images importer – wordpress plugin Archivarix External Images Importer will scan your posts and pages for external urls src srcset attribute for all img tags. in the past
selloship – wordpress plugin With Selloship-Woocommerce plugin, you can handle all your order fulfillment processes such as inventory management and shipping at one place.. in the past
the insertr – wordpress plugin The Herdl keyword insertion plugin, The Insertr, inserts keyword onto your page using URL query string to determine the keyword and shortcode for placement.. in the past – ai platform – wordpress plugin ChatBot integrates with Facebook Messenger, Slack, LiveChat... in the past
autoads premiere – wordpress plugin This plugin allows you to add Google Adsense AutoAds to your website.. in the past
show user id – wordpress plugin Show User ID is small plugin that displays ID to the table of the users section in the WordPress dashboard. in the past
broken links repair by hexometer – wordpress plugin Broken Links Repair Plugin will get the broken links list from your Hexometer dashboard and will disable them when the page is loaded.. in the past