sm-post-duplicator – wordpress plugin This Plugin is use for create functionality to duplicate any post all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields. in the past
shortcode directives – wordpress plugin If you have hierarchical post type and want to add the same tag to all direct children of certain post plus the post itself, then comment on the post by typing.. in the past
baidu textcensor – wordpress plugin Description. 在WordPress中加入百度AI文本内容审核,过滤评论敏感内容. 依赖第三方服务. in the past
reviewbucket lite – emoji reaction review and google place review wordpress plugin – wordpress plugin Reviewbucketlite is the plugin which allow you to display google reviews on your site from google using api. in the past
wordpress history in screenshots by – wordpress plugin Save history of your pages as screenshots. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
streamshare for twitch – wordpress plugin StreamShare for Twitch allows you to quickly embed your content using blocks.. in the past
random numbers generator – wordpress plugin The output will contain number between the mininum and maximum value, in that order. format Any string containing at least the character. in the past
woo mainstem – wordpress plugin This plugin hasnt been tested with the major releases of WordPress. in the past
plugin name: add classes to google calendar – wordpress plugin Plugin Name Add classes to Google Calendar. in the past
medical addon for elementor – wordpress plugin And also like, Admissions, Appointment, Working Hours, Departments, Stats, Tools, Full Calendar, Hospitals, Resources, Pricing, and Benefits.. in the past
admin quick preview post – wordpress plugin You are tired when you must open new tab to preview your post. in the past
snap-finance-lite – wordpress plugin Snap Finance on PDP and Checkout page leads to consumer loan application. in the past
wp related post with pagination – wordpress plugin Easy to use and gives you control on what is displayed as related to each item. in the past
import product holded for woocommerce – wordpress plugin This plugin allows you to import simple products from Holded to WooCommerce.. in the past
wp featured image+ – wordpress plugin nifty little plugin that will speed up your featured management process and save you lot of time and needless clicks.. in the past
crowdfunding login form – wordpress plugin In order to create login form or custom login page for WordPress with the default options, all you need to do is use this shortcode.. in the past
options for twenty twenty – wordpress plugin This plugin adds the modification options to WordPress Twenty Twenty.. in the past
bitdroplet sip – wordpress plugin Bitdroplet is convenient and secure platform developed and powered by Bitbns, Bitbns is India's largest trading exchange. in the past
wishful companion – wordpress plugin Licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0, http www gnu org licenses gpl-2.0.html. in the past