wp product selector – wordpress plugin WP Product Selector makes it easy to deploy guided quiz style product selectors on your WooCommerce site so that consumers can find the product for their specific requirements... in the past
remove xml-rpc methods – wordpress plugin Remove all methods from WordPress XML-RPC API.. in the past
elementor syntax highlighter – wordpress plugin The highlighter is implemented using PrismJS.. in the past
aotomot gallery – wordpress plugin Aotomot Gallery is creative gallery plugin with multiple layouts.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
ubigeo perú woocommerce – wordpress plugin Permite seleccionar departamentos , provincias y distritos del Perú.. in the past
labinator content types duplicator – wordpress plugin Labinator Content Types Duplicator is WordPress plugin that allows you to duplicate posts, pages, widgets, menus, media files, and any content types with one click. in the past
moosend landing pages – wordpress plugin Go to the importer page and start importing your Moosend landing pages into your WordPress website... in the past
wp plugin showroom – wordpress plugin Plugin is easy way to show Wordpres plugins in showroom. in the past
mycred for totalpoll – wordpress plugin TotalPoll is WordPress plugin that let you create and integrate polls, TotalPoll is made to be easy and powerful, Although it's very simple to use, It provides number of options and features to have full control over the polls. in the past
oxygen tutor lms – wordpress plugin It adds all the functionalities needed to create WordPress LMS website using Oxygen Builder.. in the past
indacoin payment gateway – wordpress plugin Accept Visa, Mastercard payment plugin for WooCommerce based online store. in the past
redpic js&css optimizer – wordpress plugin Redpic JS& CSS Optimizer combine CSS and JS files from theme and installed plugins using optimal algorithm to speedup rendering and page load. in the past
aj todo – wordpress plugin AJ TODO는 직관적인 프로젝트 관리 플러그인입니다.. 현재 버전에서는 개인 프로젝트만 지원합니다.. 향후 , 업데이트를 통해서 협업 솔루션으로 개선될 예정입니다.. 프로젝트. 프로젝트별로 할일을 분류하여 관리할 수 있습니다... 할일. 심플하게 할일을 등록하고 , 할일의 상태를 변경할 수 있습니다.. in the past
multilevel referral affiliate plugin for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Made for WooCommerce store owners, WooCommerce Multilevel Referral Plugin rewards your clients for sharing your website with their friends, family, and colleagues.. in the past
content recommendation plugin – mulch – wordpress plugin Mulch is activation and platform that helps marketers better understand buyers using zero-party and third-party data, target them with personalized content, and move them through the sales funnel faster. in the past
header builder for elementor by wpdaddy – wordpress plugin WPDaddy builder is visual front-end drag & drop builder for WordPress Elementor plugin. in the past
cbd calculator – wordpress plugin Convert MG into ML, calculate CBD amounts for humans and pets, according to issue type, severity and weight. in the past
advance social icons – wordpress plugin Advance social icons helps you to add icons with links to your profiles from different social networks. in the past
zingit chatbot – wordpress plugin Zingit chatbot helps to convert visitors into customers.. in the past
lazy load elementor background images – wordpress plugin major drawback to using Elementor is that the background images used for sections and columns are all loaded when the page loads. in the past