dyslexiefont free – wordpress plugin With Dyslexie Font plugin you allow visitors to convert your website copy into Dyslexie Font typeface, designed to enhance the ease of reading for dyslectics. in the past
arnold analytics – wordpress plugin Web analytics doesn't need to be complex or invasive. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
textcensor for articles – wordpress plugin Description. 基于百度文本审核技术来提供WordPress文章内容审核。作者提交的文章中如若夹杂了推广、反动、色情信息,会给内容平台带来极大的法律风险,应用文本审核可帮助解决个人和企业一直以来困扰和担心的问题。. 依赖第三方服务. in the past
lh fresh content – wordpress plugin LH Fresh Content is the best plugin for requesting browsers to refresh their page. in the past
cps Tax number will be displayed in the confirmation emails and on the admin, when you edit the order.. in the past
master table for elementor – wordpress plugin Master Table for Elementor is Plugin that gives you full control for creating dynamic tables with Elementor.. in the past
card catalog – wordpress plugin There was never really good solutions for dealing with large numbers of files on your WordPress site, until now. in the past
yydevelopment portfolio gallery – wordpress plugin YYDevelopment gallery is plugin that will allow you to create boxes gallery and use it on your site. in the past
gamipress – memberpress integration – wordpress plugin Gamify your MemberPress memberships thanks to the gamification plugin, GamiPress.. in the past
post meta viewer – wordpress plugin This plugin is useful if you want to see all post metas that stored in post or page and the value of each meta.. in the past
mautic integration for fluent forms – wordpress plugin Integration with Mautic for Fluent Forms sends WordPress form data of your to mautic automatically. in the past
wp esignature by esign genie – wordpress plugin WP eSignature by eSign Genie allows you seamless workflow to connect your wp form with eSign Genie application to sign and send the document instantly.. in the past
ooohboi steroids for elementor – wordpress plugin awesome set of tools, options and settings that expand Elementor defaults. in the past
fully automated text links – wordpress plugin Fully automated Text Links is link building service we developed and run for premium publishers for 8 years. in the past
tdb hide recaptcha badge – wordpress plugin Google allows to hide this badge as long as you include reCAPTCHA branding in the user flow.. in the past
kneejerk menu swapper – wordpress plugin After installing KJD Menu Swapper, you'll see Menu Swapper on the left admin navigation. in the past
corona awareness popup – wordpress plugin Corona Awareness Popup is simple plugin used to raise awareness against Corona virus spreading throughout the world.. in the past
wp exit popups – wordpress plugin WP Exit Popups lets create and configure popups that appear when the user intends to leave your website, resulting in increased conversions or sign-ups, depending on the type of popup you create. in the past
jvh easy scss and js – wordpress plugin This plugin adds SCSS functionality, compresses JS for you and creates easy way to enqueue scripts and styles as well as localize them.. in the past