spam protect for contact form 7 – wordpress plugin The plugin adds tab on each Contact Form 7 edit screen where you can add emails, domains and or words and phrases that you want to block.. in the past
woocommerce catalog mode – wordpress plugin Go to WooCommerce, Settings, Products and Catalog Mode. in the past
page restrict for woocommerce – wordpress plugin In case you want to restrict sections on the page you can use blocks for Gutenberg editor and using shortcodes for the classic or similar editors. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
dogorama gefahrenmeldungen – wordpress plugin Binde einfach aktuelle Giftköder- und Gefahrenmeldungen für Hundebesitzer auf deiner Webseite ein.. in the past
experience api for lifterlms by grassblade – wordpress plugin This plugin enables Experience API, SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 support on Lifter LMS by integrating with GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.. in the past
ctc countdown timer cookies – wordpress plugin CTC Countdown Timer Cookies is simple customizable plugin to add responsive countdown timer to your wordpress website with the ability .. in the past
ajax product search for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Ajax Product Search for WooCommerce product search without loading page and redirecting you can use with shortcode. also it support both WPBakery and elementor page builder it has dedicated addon for page builder.. in the past
billy – wordpress plugin Global settings like your name, your address, the number format, tax rates and the currency can be defined in Customizer. in the past
hosted checkout for wc stripe – wordpress plugin This plugin providing Stripe hosted checkout Woocommerce supported gateway. in the past
beautiful link preview – wordpress plugin It works by fetching URL and examining either Open Graph properties or Twitter card tags including any preview image.. in the past
wc order pdf download – wordpress plugin This WooCommerce extension generates PDF invoice for your woocommerce orders. in the past
woovirtualwallet – a virtual wallet for woocommerce – wordpress plugin WooVirtualWallet is free plugin for WooCommerce that allows your customers to stock money on wallet. in the past
f4 error pages – wordpress plugin Sometimes WordPress default error page handling is not enough, because it shows text or you have to create custom 404 template with static content.. in the past
automatorwp – buddypress integration – wordpress plugin BuddyPress helps you build any kind of community website using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more.. in the past
freezewp – code freeze your wordpress dashboard – wordpress plugin Activate this plugin on your old site when you're in the process of changing web hosts to prevent lost data due to delays DNS changes, or as simple short-term lock down for other reasons. in the past
block pattern builder – wordpress plugin Block Pattern Builder is simple plugin that allows end-users to create custom block patterns within WordPress plugin directory. in the past
south african covid19 banner – wordpress plugin As of 26 March 2020, regulation was created South Africa, requiring all websites operating within top level domain name to have landing page with visible link to www in the past
run my accounts for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Run my Accounts for WooCommerce is WooCommerce solution to create customers and invoice Run My Account when order is placed.. in the past
abraia – bulk optimize your wordpress images – wordpress plugin Tailor-made for best ecommerce optimization, Abraia plugin provides cost solution. in the past
ajdg user cleaner – wordpress plugin AJdG User Cleaner works on daily schedule to check and delete unused accounts that registered 2 weeks before. in the past