automatorwp – easy digital downloads integration – wordpress plugin Easy Digital Downloads is eCommerce solution for selling digital and other non-physical downloads on your WordPress website. in the past
filr – file access protection – wordpress plugin Filr is the simple and solution to protect your files against direct access.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
wpm user sync – wordpress plugin You will find options at network & sites level, to take aboslute control with what happen when user is created, new site is created, and when we change role for user. in the past
css only back to top – wordpress plugin This plugin places JavaScript free back to top button on the footer of your site. in the past
pay with ath movil (woocommerce payment gateway) – wordpress plugin ATH Movil allows you to sell your products online allowing the customer to pay you with their ATH Movil account... in the past
footer design for elementor – wordpress plugin This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.. in the past
woocommerce payments – wordpress plugin See and manage all transactions in your WooCommerce Payments integrated dashboard. in the past
esalespop for woocommerce – wordpress plugin eSalesPop For Woocommerce will help you to increase your sales and make your customer more confident to buy product from you.. in the past
snow monkey forms – wordpress plugin Snow Monkey Forms is mail form plugin for the block editor.. in the past
wp favicon remover – wordpress plugin The WP Favicon Remover plugin adds the functionality to remove WordPress default favicon since WordPress 5.4.. in the past
download from files – wordpress plugin It doesn't count downloads, it doesn't scan permissions, but you can add new download very easily You copy it to the server and it already appears.. in the past
yoast test helper – wordpress plugin This plugin makes testing Yoast SEO, Yoast SEO add-ons and integrations and resetting the different features easier. in the past
if block — visibility control for blocks – wordpress plugin The conditional logic of this block supports both AND and OR operators conjunction with filtering role and also detecting software as well... in the past
blocks for eventbrite – wordpress plugin This plugin helps bridge the gap between the two platforms while retaining the interface and experience that Eventbrite provides.. in the past
automatorwp – lifterlms integration – wordpress plugin LifterLMS is WordPress LMS plugin that allows you to create and sell courses online.. in the past
image responsive slider – wordpress plugin Having team of creative designers and developers, we have come up with Slider plugin that will be the desert of your website. in the past
custom product options for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Add your own fields like text fields, radio buttons, colors, dates and MANY MANY more to your products with ease and speed.. in the past
simpletoc – table of contents block – wordpress plugin In Gutenberg, add block and search for. in the past
order status history for woocommerce – wordpress plugin Order Status History for WooCommerce is extension of WooCommerce, which displays with intuitive, manner, the varied statuses of Order from historical perspective. in the past
rusty top bar – wordpress plugin Rusty Top Bar let's you put message at the top of your website with minimal fuss.. in the past