most_wanted wallet discount manager – wordpress plugin MOST WANTED Wallet Discount Manager is plugin that can be used to manage the usage of the wallet balance on the cart page.. in the past
really rich results – json-ld structured data (google rich results) – wordpress plugin By leveraging JSON-LD markup as part of your SEO, world of opportunities arise within Google's Rich Results.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
ad auris – text-to-speech – wordpress plugin Sync your wordpress RSS feed with Ad Auris to automate the narration process. in the past
automatic email testing for wp – wordpress plugin Automatic Email Testing for WP is your simple go-to solution that gets the job done for you without you having to get your hands dirty.. in the past
index wp mysql for speed – wordpress plugin Where are your pages, posts, products, media, users, custom fields, metadata, and all your valuable content. in the past
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holiday logo switcher – wordpress plugin Holiday Logo Switcher provides you way to display different logo depending on the holiday .. in the past
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mailster mailersend integration – wordpress plugin Uses MailerSend to deliver emails for Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress.. in the past
change number of products displayed per page for woocommerce – wordpress plugin With many WordPress themes, you cannot change the number of WooCommerce products displayed per page.. in the past
archive post order plus – wordpress plugin Description. このプラグインは通常表示とタクソノミー毎に投稿表示順を設定するプラグインです。. 仕様. カスタマイズしたいカテゴリー、タグ、カスタム分類毎に投稿表示順を設定可能にします。. 表示順は 1)通常+カスタムフィールドソート、2)ドラッグソートのどちらが選択可能です。. 1)通常+カスタムフィールドソート. 投稿の更新日、ID、タイトル、登録日のソートに加え、4つのカスタムフィールドが登録可能です。. 有効にしたい項目を選択し、ドラッグで順番を設定します。. カスタムフィールドは、既存のカスタムフィールドから選択もしくは本プラグイン用に追加可能。. (追加の場合は各投稿の専用入力フォームから登録). 2)ドラッグソート. カテゴリー、タグ、カスタム分類に属する投稿表示順をドラッグで設定します。.. in the past
page redirection & hit counter – wordpress plugin Page Redirection, Pages, Post and Custom Posts redirect to other url .. in the past
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business rules for wordpress – wordpress plugin The Business Rules WordPress Plugin allows site administrators to define executed actions based on occurring events.. in the past
grid button for learndash – wordpress plugin Grid Button Text for LearnDash** is the ultimate way to define custom texts and styles for courses buttons on LearnDash Course Grid. in the past
absolute thumbnail column – wordpress plugin With Absolute Thumbnail Column you can upload, select or change post thumbnail with ease. in the past
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teleporter – wordpress plugin So unlike AJAX Page Loaders, this means that all the in any pages loaded will continue to run as it normally would, giving visitors seamless experience while navigating your site... in the past