Dominant Colors Lazy Loading — WordPress Plugins This plugin allows you to lazy load your images while showing the type of image as generic name Pinterest or Google Images. in the past
Juiz Last Tweet Widget — WordPress Plugins The advantage of this plugin is the not presence of JavaScript script to load tweets from whack good point for your page speed.. in the past
Islamic Archive For Islam and Hinduism — WordPress Plugins Islam-hinduism. com intends to be one of the online sources of information Hindu-Muslim interaction.. in the past
Dynamic vs Static QR code? If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired des latest
Ma-Visioconférence – Visio / Chat — WordPress Plugins Avec le module Ma-Visioconférence pour WordPress ajoutez simplement votre salle de réunion virtuelle directement sur votre site sur n'importe quel contenu WordPress.. in the past
Easy Default Parameters — WordPress Plugins Set your own default parameters on WordPress install such as. in the past
Easy Customizer for WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips — WordPress Plugins Upload the customizer for wpi folder to the wp-content plugins directory.. in the past
Kash Payment Gateway for WooCommerce — WordPress Plugins Description. Kash http www. withkash. com allows you to accept payments using direct credit and avoid credit card loans and fraud chargebacks... Kash makes payments not hard. in the past
Get Background From Library — WordPress Plugins The ability to select image from the books as the background is baked center core now. in the past
Display Image in Admin Column — WordPress Plugins This plugin will add the image to your admin board for all pages and posts.. in the past
Hello Phil — WordPress Plugins Hello Dolly. this provides admins with line from Phil Collins. in the past
JumpOut — WordPress Plugins The plugin is for simplifying installation of Jumpout popups on your website.. ** The plugin is only for the customers of JumpOut product**.. in the past
4 author cheer up donate — WordPress Plugins The plugin helps to donat money using the RoboKassa.. in the past
Tabs Shortcode and Widget — WordPress Plugins Easily create different categories of Tabs for WordPress or not vertical. in the past
AffiliateWP – WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates — WordPress Plugins This plugin requires AffiliateWP & WooCommerce. in the past
Knowledge Google par JM Créa — WordPress Plugins Description. Knowledge Google JM Créa permet d'ajouter vos liens vers les réseaux sociaux directement pour les résultats Google.. in the past
Oculolinctus — WordPress Plugins In version 2 I have added meowing sound and application to configure the girl licking to not after and or when the content. in the past